Budgeting for Anxious Humans

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    Budget Coaching for your Anious Humans

    A Budget Coaching Membership to unlock your financial peace.

    How I Help

    This isn’t about me, it’s about you and your finances in your business (and personal life if I’m being honest). Here is where I work on getting your money stuff together


    Let's Get Down to Business

    to defeat the Money problems. We work through cash flow issues, spending, decision making, and ensuring everything is uploaded into your budget and in one place.

    Personal Finances

    From there we take a look at what the budget says, which can be different from what we hear, and find creative solutions.

    Budgeting with a partner

    Because there is no easy way to do this. We'll go through the skills and even invite your partner to join us as we discuss them. Separate bank accounts, joint bank accounts, and having your partner have off budget money are all the topics (and more) that we go through.

    Reaching Financial Goals

    The real reason why we budget. Are you hoping to have a few months down for emergency expenses? Down payment on buying a house? Whatever it is your looking for, your budget can help you get there.

    Timothy Kelly, LCSW, YNAB Budget Coach

    Hi! My name is Tim. I’m a private practice owner, Certified Coach in YNAB (You Need A Budget) helping anxious human unlock financial peace

    I’m not just some rando trying to tell you have to manage your cash  without any experience. I successfully started my private practice in 2021 mid pandemic with the budgeting techniques I’ve been using for years, and continue to operate successfully today. 

    Ready To unlock financial Peace?

    Fill out your application and let's start the conversation.